The Accelerate25 Lead Team facilitates initiatives, encourages thought leadership, enables investment and drives growth off central government funding programmes and strategies to establish the Central North Island as a growth centre for the New Zealand economy.
Members of this Lead Team were appointed for their skills and knowledge, rather than being representatives of sector groups. They also appointed a facilitator, Michael McCartney, CE of Horizons Regional Council. The programme director, Craig Nash of Spearhead, reports to the Lead Team and works with project leads to implement the actions in the Plan.

Michael McCartney (Lead Team Facilitator)
Michael McCartney is the facilitator for the Accelerate25 Lead Team and Chief Executive at Horizons Regional Council. Michael also chairs the Regional Council Chief Executive Group, a collective of all the regional and unitary council chief executives from across New Zealand, and is the key link from that Group to the Regional Sector Group, the collective of all the regional and unitary council mayors and chairs.
Michael has also been a regional sector representative on the Land and Water Forum as well as a member of a number of sector subgroups addressing topics such as fresh water, biosecurity and Māori engagement in local government decision making. He also chairs MW LASS Ltd – a shared service company to which seven Manawatu-Wanganui local councils are shareholders.